Sunday, January 20, 2013

Scene Magazine

   Tobi's Tattoo Studio will be appear in February's issue of Scene Magazine! Bring in the add to receive discounts on Tattoo's and Piercings! This offer is good until April 1st!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

No more piercing, sorry...

I am officially retiring from body piercing! 8 yrs was a nice run but I am stepping away from it and focusing on tattooing. MattPhillips is the head body piercer at the shop now and he is more than qualified to do what he does .

Loon Portraits

A few 1/2 sleeves or starts to

More Tattoos some old some newer

Ziggy Stardust

Fetal Skeleton Paintings

Prints Available $20

Jaw Bone around the Achilles Tendon

Not Finished

Miscellaneous Tattoos

Flower Tattoos

George Carlin Portrait

Koi Fish and Flowers

Traditional Wolf Tattoo

Sorry for the crappy pic.

Polynesian 1/2 Sleeve

Some Celtic Knot work

Masquerade Mask (in progress)

Zombie Portraits

The tattoo on the bottom is no finished yet.

Day of The Dead Portraits

Portrait Tattoos

Portrait style Black Spiderman and the Pig Face man from the Twilight Zone! A bit old but still cool!